论文 Papers

基于消费者行为的商业空间绩效评价体系建构. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 城市规划, 2021, (3): 9-21.
Construction of assessment system on commercial space performance based on consumer behavior. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. City Planning Review, 2021, (3): 9-21.
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Understanding consumers’ spatial behavior in urban commercial environment by extracting typical routes. Can Wang, De Wang, Shan Song, Wei Zhu. ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, November, 2020.
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Study on the spatial configuration of nursing homes for the elderly people in Shanghai: Based on their choice preference. Shan Song, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Can Wang. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 152(3); doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119859.
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Spacial characteristics of demand and supply of elderly care institution in Shanghai. Shan Song, Can Wang. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, USA, Apr, 2019.
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消费者行为视角下的商业综合体功能复合效应与机制. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 新建筑, 2018, (4): 112-116.
Multi-functional effects and mechanism of commercial complex from the perspective of consumer behavior. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. New Architecture, 2018, (4): 112-116.
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Classification and prediction of pedestrian routes in urban commercial space. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, USA, Apr, 2018.
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商业综合体的消费者空间行为特征与评价. 王德, 王灿, 朱玮, 宋姗. 建筑学报, 2017, 581(2): 27-32.
Spatial features and assessment of consumer behavior in commercial complex.  De Wang, Can Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Architectural Journal, 2017, 581(2): 27-32.
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基于需求偏好的上海市养老机构空间配置研究. 宋姗, 王德, 朱玮, 王灿. 城市规划, 2016, 40(8): 77-90.
Spatial allocation study on Shanghai’s nursing facilities for the elderly: based on the elderly’s choice behavior. Shan Song, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Can Wang. City Planning Review, 40(8): 77-90.
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离散选择模型研究进展. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(10): 1275-1287.
Research progress of discrete choice models. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(10): 1275-1287.
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